This paper presents empirical research about delinquency in informal youth groups in Lithuania. The theoretical basis of this research - theory of delinquency and drift, created in the midst of the XX th century by David Matza - famous USA criminologist, whose efforts to combine positivist point of view with classical ideas gave way to a new - critical School of criminology. Empirical research was carried out in three youth groups: football fans group “ultra”, nationalistic group - skinheads and motorbike club - “Vorai”. The main tasks of this research were to identify, what kind - “delinquent subculture” or “subculture of delinquency” - these groups are and to explore the process of drifting from conventional to delinquent behavior by using techniques of neutralization. 
 The results show, that these groups are an integral part of conventional society and have no features of “delinquent subculture” as it was depicted in positivistic theories. The members of the groups are normal teenagers, who by definition (but not by nature) are delinquents as far as they do infractions. To make an infraction these teens use different techniques of neutralization.
This paper presents empirical research about delinquency in informal youth groups in Lithuania
The results show, that these groups are an integral part of conventional society and have no features of “delinquent subculture” as it was depicted in positivistic theories
To make an infraction these teens use different techniques of neutralization
Straipsnyje pristatomas trijø neformaliø Lietuvos jaunimo grupiø: futbolo fanø “ultrø”, nacionalistiðkai nusiteikusio jaunimo “skinheadÿø” ir baikeriø klubo “Vorai” kokybinis tyrimas. Jog grupës turi “delinkvencijos”, bet ne “delinkventinës” subkultûros bruoþø, o grupiø nariai yra normalûs, neutralizavæ socialiniø normø poveiká, paaugliai, kartais darantys nusiþengimus. Tyrimo metu remiamasi ðiuo delinkvencijos apibrëþimu: “Delinkvencija - tai teisiniø ir socialiniø normø paþeidimai, kuriuos daro nepilnameèiai/ paaugliai. Jaunuoliai tampa delinkventais darydami nusiþengimus; Delinkventinis veiksmas padaromas tik tuomet, kai, neutralizavæs socialiniø ir teisiniø normø poveiká, jaunuolis pats pateisina savo nusiþengimà. Realiai tai yra normalus paauglys, visuomenës narys, besilaikantis valstybës ástatymø ir nuo ne delinkventø besiskiriantis tik nusiþengimø darymu. Ásivaizduoti delinkventà kaip dreifuotojà, anot D.Matzaÿos, yra pagrásèiau, nes bûtent toks apibrëþimas atspindi daugumà paaugliø delinkventø - tø, kurie, paauglystëje daræ nusiþengimus, suaugæ ðitaip elgtis liaujasi. Ðiame procese reikðmingà vaidmená atlieka paèiø delinkventø suvokimas apie tai, kas yra “nusiþengimas” arba “nusikaltimas”, ir tai, ar jie patys savo elgesá apibûdina kaip toká. Taigi moraliniø normø poveikio neutralizacija ir valia, noras nusiþengti yra pagrindiniai delinkventinio veiksmo elementai
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