
Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD), once a variable triad of septum pellucidum defects (SPDs), optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH), and hypopituitarism, has had multiple findings added, with uncertain causes, definitions, and limits. Literature review. SOD is a complex vascular sequence with confounders. Proximal anterior cerebral artery trunk disruptions cause overlapping primary effects, giving ONH alone most often, and isolated SPD less. ONH disruptions can spread to pituitary, SPD disruptions to the cerebral cortex, causing schizencephaly and related anomalies. Pituitary defects are rare without ONH, and cortical findings are rare without SPD. Extensions are unidirectional, so isolated pituitary or cortical defects are separate from SOD. Micro- an- ophthalmia, a suggested ONH variant, is not part of SOD. Disruption by-products can affect development, causing cognitive and endocrine issues, and structural anomalies such as corpus callosum thinning, ventriculomegaly, and hippocampal and olfactory findings. Limbic extensions may also contribute to the same structural defects as by-products. Midline CNS developmental anomalies can act as disruptive foci, most likely through vascular variants, but have separate pathogenesis. Relative frequencies of specific pituitary hormone defects change as SOD rates increase. Increasing relative rates of midline CNS developmental defects and cortical anomalies are consistent with rising levels of exogenous exposures sensitizing to midline predispositions.

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