
We define Deligne-Beilinson cycle maps for Lichtenbaum cohomology $H_L^m(X, \mathbb Z(n))$ and that with compact supports $H_{c,L}^m(X, \mathbb Z(n))$ of an arbitrary complex algebraic variety $X.$ When $(m,n)=(2,1),$ the homological part of our cycle map with compact supports gives a generalization of the Abel-Jacobi theorem and its projection to the Betti cohomology yields that of the Lefschetz theorem on $(1,1)$-cycles for arbitrary complex algebraic varieties. In general degrees $(m,n),$ we show that the Deligne-Beilinson cycle maps are always surjective on torsion and have torsion-free cokernels. If $m \leq 2n,$ the version with compact supports induces an isomorphism on torsion, and so does the one without compact supports if $min \{2m-1, 2 \dim X+1 \} \leq 2n.$ We also characterize the algebraic part of Griffiths's intermediate Jacobians with a universal property.

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