
Donald Trump’s presidency tries to establish a social discourse in which individuals correspond to the stereotype of white, middle class men, and in which the normative order exists solely for those who belong to the status quo. In Trump’s America, minorities are threats to the social order. Thus, the proposed new order requires the production of residual lives and bodies divested of legal rights and political representation. This paper tries to explain Trump’s political movement through a concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, namely: “faciality”. This device is produced by the interaction of an axis of signification and an axis of subjectification. Power can utilize the “face” to normalize who does and does not belong to Trump’s America. This abstract machine of faciality is his administration’s most dangerous technology of power, because it seeks to strengthen processes of subjugation, desubjectification, and individualization that are bound to produce more groups excluded from contemporary, capitalistic American society.

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