
The aim of the present study was to identify deletion/insertion polymorphism of the bovine prion protein (PRNP) gene within the promoter sequence (23 bp indel), intron 1 (12 bp indel) and the 3' end untranslated region (14 bp indel). The experiment was performed on three groups of animals protected under a genetic resources conservation program: 139 Polish Red (PR) cows, 79 Polish White-backed cows and 50 European bison (Bison bonasus L., 1758). White-backed cattle were characterized by a higher frequency of ins/del heterozygotes and a relatively lower frequency of ins/ins homozygotes within the promoter sequence region (23 bp indel), compared to Polish Red cattle. At the polymorphic locus of intron 1 (12 bp indel) the genetic structure of both cattle populations was similar. Monomorphism, expressed by the occurrence of one genotype variant in each of the analyzed sequence regions, was observed in European bison. Five haplotypes were found in Polish White-backed cows, four haplotypes in Polish Red cows and only one in analyzed group of bison. Differences between the observed and expected number of PRNP haplotypes were recorded in Polish Red cattle.

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