
Please view Videos 1 and 2 showing delayed cord clamping of a preterm infant born via cesarean delivery and a preterm infant born via vaginal delivery. Video 1. Delayed Cord Clamping in a Cesarean Delivery. Click here to view the video. Video 2. Delayed Cord Clamping in a Vaginal Delivery. Click here to view the video. Which of the following scenarios is an absolute contraindication to delayed cord clamping? There is a growing body of evidence that delaying umbilical cord clamping in preterm infants may improve neonatal outcomes by increasing infant blood volume through placental transfusion. (1) Better outcomes may include improved neonatal transition, decreased intraventricular hemorrhage, decreased necrotizing enterocolitis, and decreased mortality. (1)(2)(3) Term infants receiving delayed cord clamping have evidence of increased hemoglobin levels in the immediate newborn period, as well as a reduction in iron deficiency at 3 to 6 months of age. (4) Most published studies define cord clamping as “delayed” …

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