
Abstract The timing of the smolt run in the Dale River in western Norway was monitored from 2002 to 2007 after annual stocking in late autumn 2000 to 2005 with 5000–10800, 11–16 g, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr. The releases yielded an annual smolt production of 1000–2000 individuals, mainly 1+ smolts. Almost 5700 stocked smolts were trapped during smolt migration and 60% of these were genotyped for family identification. The date for 50% descent varied by 14 days from year to year. For the most part, however, the 2+ stocked smolts and the majority of the wild smolts left the river in May, while the 1+ stocked smolts migrated 23–26 days later in June. It was concluded that the strategy of stocking large parr in late autumn may conflict with the natural timing of smolt migration the following spring.

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