
Marine snow is central to the marine carbon cycle, and quantifying its small-scale settling dynamics in different physical environments is essential to understanding its role in bio- geochemical cycles. Previous field observations of marine aggregate thin layers associated with sharp density gradients have led to the hypothesis that these layers may be caused by a decrease in aggregate settling speed at density interfaces. Here, we present experimental data on aggre- gate settling behavior, showing that these particles can dramatically decrease their settling veloc- ity when passing through sharp density transitions. This delayed settling can be caused by 2 potential mechanisms: (1) entrainment of lighter fluid from above as the particle passes through the density gradient, and (2) retention at the transition driven by changes in the density of the par- ticle due to its porosity. The aggregates observed in this study exhibited 2 distinct settling behav- iors when passing through the density transition. Quantitatively comparing these different behav- iors with predictions from 2 models allow us to infer that the delayed settling of the first group of aggregates was primarily driven by diffusion-limited retention, whereas entrainment of lighter fluid was the dominant mechanism for the second group. Coupled with theory, our experimental results demonstrate that both entrainment and diffusion-limited retention can play an important role in determining particle settling dynamics through density transitions. This study thus pro- vides insight into ways that delayed settling can lead to the formation of aggregate thin layers, important biological hotspots that affect trophic dynamics, and biogeochemical cycling in the ocean.

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