
The evolutionary importance of delayed plumage maturation (DPM) in passerines, the condition when more than 1 year is required to achieve adult-like coloration, remains highly contentious. Adaptive hypotheses propose that aggression from after 2nd-year (ASY) males or predation favors DPM in 2nd-year (SY) males, thereby increasing SY male survivorship or reproductive success. However, each hypothesis suggests a distinct selective mechanism explaining “how” this is accomplished. Alternatively, DPM may be a consequence of a nonadaptive molt constraint. We tested the female mimicry and status signalling hypotheses in territorial ASY male lazuli buntings (Passerinaamoena) using three sets of model presentation experiments. The female mimicry hypothesis proposes that dull SY male plumage deceptively mimics female plumage, and predicts that ASY males can not distinguish SY male from female plumage. The status signalling hypothesis proposes that dull SY male plumage honestly signals low competitive threat, and predicts that ASY males respond less aggressively to dull versus bright, ASY-like plumage. Contrary to the female mimicry hypothesis, ASY males distinguished between SY male and female plumage, as they were aggressive to SY male models exclusively and attempted to copulate with female models. Supporting the status signalling hypothesis, ASY males were significantly less aggressive to SY versus ASY male plumage. While DPM may result from a physiological constraint on bright SY male plumage, our results support the idea that dull plumage in an SY male's first breeding season may be maintained by selection to reduce aggression from ASY males, serving as a signal of competitive status.

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