
Organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy, a central-distal axonopathy, passes through latent, progressive, static and improvement phases. During the improvement phase, the peripheral nerves regenerate unmasking the spinal cord lesion with myelopathic features. We report a case of a 16-year-old male who developed myelopathy 6 weeks following chlorpyrifos poisoning. He had a motor weakness of 4/5 in bilateral hips and 3/5 in bilateral knees and ankles. Spasticity and exaggerated reflexes with ankle clonus were present in the lower limbs. Sensory and the upper limb motor examinations were all normal. Pertinent blood, cerebrospinal fluid and nerve conduction tests were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine showed features of cord atrophy. Three months following physiotherapy, his power improved to 5/5 in bilateral knee and hip joints and 4/5 in bilateral ankles with spasticity. Organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy can present as earlier as 6 weeks with myelopathy. Previous history of organophosphorous exposure is important in myelopathy or peripheral neuropathy.

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