
The present study investigates the effect of delay in appendicectomy on the outcome of surgery and also examines the contribution of patient and physician related delay to the stage of appendicitis. During a 12-month period, 114 consecutive adult patients undergoing appendicectomy for acute appendicitis were monitored prospectively. Time of onset of symptoms, presentation to the hospital, surgery consultation, decision to operate and starting of surgery were all noted. The stage of the appendicitis was identified based on operative findings and pathology reports. Postoperative events were recorded. The stage of appendicitis and outcome were related to the prehospital and in-hospital delay of each patient. There were three (2.6%) normal, 62 (54.4%) early inflamed and 49 (43%) cases of advanced appendicitis. The total delay from onset of symptoms to performance of appendicectomy was 2.4 times longer in the advanced appendicitis group than in the early inflamed appendicitis group. There was no significant difference in the in-hospital delay between the two groups. Delay in the resumption of oral feed and total hospital stay were significantly higher in the advanced appendicitis group. The present prospective study concludes that morbidity caused by acute appendicitis correlates directly with delay in treatment. In the majority of cases the delay in treatment is predominantly caused by patient related factors. The negative appendicectomy rate can be reduced by close observation of cases with clinical uncertainty without increasing the morbidity.

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