
Kubernetes is a powerful tool to manage containerized applications, which is also regarded as one promising platform to support microservices in edge computing. The scheduler is a key component of Kubernetes. It allocates each pod (i.e., a set of running containers) to one worker node (i.e., a machine). The default scheduler in Kubernetes is designed for the cloud environment containing homogeneous nodes. However, IoT edge nodes usually have various computing power and network bandwidth. The paper proposes a delay-aware container scheduling (DACS) algorithm to address the issue of node heterogeneity in edge computing. To efficiently assign pods to worker nodes, DACS takes account of not only residual resources of worker nodes but also potential delays caused by the pod assignment. We build a Kubernetes cluster by VMware to evaluate system performance. Experimental results reveal that DACS can significantly reduce both processing and network delays, thereby helping Kubernetes perform more efficiently in an edge environment.

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