
From error to perfection. Tomasz Niestorowicz, El aprendizaje de la oposición imperfecto/indefinido en estudiantes polacos de ELE In his monograph, Tomasz Niestorowicz attempts to describe the development of the verbal forms of the tenses pretérito imperfecto and pretérito indefinido. The author, based on the main models used in the study of second language acquisition and concepts related to the category of tense and aspect, conducts a research on the basis of grammar tests carried out among 86 students of Polish Iberian Studies. The conclusions resulting from the analysis indicate the deviations / errors in the morphological structure of the tenses pretérito imperfecto and pretérito indefinido at different stages of acquiring the verbal paradigm and confirm whether the aspectual information contained in the verbal lexeme influences the choice between pretérito imperfecto and pretérito indefinido.

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