
The concept of intercession is deeply originated in the Eastern Orthodoxy through the reciting of the Intercession Prayer, addressing the Christ, as the main intercessor, and other holy figures including the Virgin, the saints, the martyrs and even angels to intercede on behalf of faithfuls and deliver their prayers to God. Deisis is one of the intercession theme aspects that is widely illustrated in murals and icons of Christian Egypt. It is represented in different compositions, but mainly consists of three main figures; the Christ Pantocrator flanked by the two main intercessors: The Virgin Mary and John the Baptist, then many other elements and figures were added emphasizing the divinity of the Christ and the intercession practice.This study aims to highlight the unique place of the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist in Orthodox liturgy and their important role as intercessors for the salvation of the mankind through the different depictions of the Deisis in Christian Egypt.The Deisis theme is widely represented in Christian Egypt on a different collection of materials specially paintings since the sixth century AD. The word Deisis is derived from the Greek word δέησις meaning supplication or prayer, mainly represented in artistic context including Virgin Mary and John the Baptist on either side of the Christ Pantocrator in different postures. The Deisis appears usually in two forms: either as independent unit, or as the central theme of a larger and more complex composition: The Last Judgment scene of which the Deisis constitutes the center; or the so-called Great Deisis, which is a fuller and more complete rendering of the Commemoration or Intercession Prayer, including the Deisis group, angels, prophets and various categories of saints and symbols of the four evangelists were added, all imploring the aid of Christ. This Great Deisis has a central place in the row of icon panels above the Royal Doors of the Iconostasis emphasizing the value and importance attributed to the intercession practice. This popular composition represents the unification between the three most important figures of the Christian hierarchy: Christ, the Virgin, and John the Baptist. Sometimes in a developed form of the Deisis, in addition to the Christ, the Virgin and the Baptist, also angels, apostles, prophets and other saints are depicted.The Christ Pantocrator “Ruler” or “Preserver of all” is represented either enthroned or standing, wearing a chiton and a himation, with the right hand raised in blessing and the left hand holding the Gospel. Scholars say that this composition also shows the Christ as ruler enthroned in his Kingdom between two interceding courtiers. After the Christ, there are many intercessors who please God by their deeds, they are acceptable to him, present in his Kingdom, and their voices are heard. They have been addressed during the service in specific order; the Virgin, The Angels, Archangels, St. John the Baptist, Disciples, Apostles, Prophets, Martyrs and Saints. As for the two prominent intercessors, the Virgin and John the Baptist, they were chosen for their privileged role as the first eye-witnesses of Christ’s divinity and consequently, enjoy a unique place in the Christian scheme of salvation.

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