
Abstract A description is provided for Deightoniella torulosa . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On Musa spp. DISEASES: Causing black-tip (black-end, black-spot) of fruit and characteristic leaf spots and blotches in bananas, induding a peculiar black scab-like fruit spot in Jamaica; also causing a rot of the pseudostem and leaf spot in abaca ( Musa textilis ). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa (Egypt ?, Ethiopia, Ghana, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, Sudan, Mauritius); Asia (British Solomon Islands, Ceylon, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Sabah, Vietnam); Australasia (Queensland, Papua New Guinea, Australia); N. America (Bermuda); C. America and W. Indies (Antilles, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guadaloupe, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Trinidad); S. America (Brazil, Guayana, French Guiana, Peru, Surinam). (CMI Map 175, ed. 2.) TRANSMISSION: Apparently air-borne, the pathogen growing as a saprophyte and sporulating on decaying vegetation on the plantation floor (42: 271-72).

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