
Microporous VSH-13Na of composition Na2(VO)(Si4O10)·3H2O was synthesized under mild hydrothermal conditions and studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at room temperature and 398 K. Its vanadosilicate framework, consisting of sheets of silicate tetrahedra connected by vanadyl-type square-based pyramids, closely resembles that of the mineral cavansite, Ca(VO)(Si4O10)·4H2O. Due to the disorder in the orientation of the short apical vanadyl groups, the topological symmetry of VSH-13Na was originally described in space group Imma. However, when analysing the systematic absences in our dataset, only the 21 screw axis along b was strictly fulfilled suggesting monoclinic space group P1211. The resulting structure in P21 with a = 14.364 (4), b = 9.134 (2), c = 10.373 (3) Å, β = 90.056 (7)°, V = 1360.9 (7) Å3 was interpreted as a case of allotwinning of two polytypes with topologically idealized orthorhombic symmetry: A (∼62%) with antiparallel orientation of the vanadyl groups in adjacent (100) layers and B (∼38%) with all vanadyl groups in adjacent layers oriented in the same way. At 398 K, the structure of VSH-13Na became fully dehydrated and adopted the unit-cell parameters a = 12.584 (16), b = 9.525 (13), c = 9.696 (14) Å, β = 90.10 (4)°, V = 1162 (3) Å3 (space group P21). Release of H2O caused severe contraction of T—O—T angles and the unit-cell volume decreased by ∼15%. Despite their structural similarity, the VSH-13Na framework seems to be more flexible upon dehydration compared with cavansite, whose structure collapsed before removal of the last H2O molecule. Thus, the presence of monovalent or divalent extraframework cations plays a key role in the dehydration process of natural and synthetic vanadosilicates.

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