
To identify patients with superior semicircular canal dehiscence and apparent conductive hearing loss and to define the cause of the air-bone gap. Prospective study of patients with superior canal dehiscence. SETTING Tertiary referral center. Vestibular and/or auditory findings indicative of canal dehiscence and demonstration of superior canal dehiscence on computed tomography of the temporal bone. Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials, three-dimensional eye movement recordings, and surgical resurfacing of the superior canal. Association of superior canal dehiscence with an air-bone gap on audiometry. Four patients with dehiscence of bone overlying the superior canal were found to have air-bone gaps in the affected ears that were greatest at lower frequencies and averaged 24 +/- 7 dB over the frequency range of 250 to 4,000 Hz. Three of these patients had undergone stapedectomy before the identification of superior canal dehiscence. The air-bone gap was unchanged postoperatively. Each patient had an intact vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) response from the affected ear, a finding that would not have been expected based on a middle ear cause of conductive hearing loss. One patient underwent resurfacing of the superior canal through a middle fossa approach. Postoperatively, his vestibular symptoms were relieved, and his air conduction thresholds were improved by 20 dB. Superior canal dehiscence can result in apparent conductive hearing loss. The third mobile window created by the dehiscent superior canal results in dissipation of acoustic energy and is a cause of inner ear conductive hearing loss.

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