
The Cerrado is considered the most biodiverse savanna in the world, as well as the second largest Brazilian Biome. In recent decades, primarily due to agricultural expansion and wildfires, this biome has been severely degraded, losing nearly 50% of its original vegetation. This study aims to evaluate the degradation dynamics of the Cerrado vegetation as a function of human activity and climate variability. Products related to vegetation index (MOD13Q1) and an imaging spectroradiometer with moderate resolution from 2001 to 2018 were used to calculate the vegetation degradation index (VDI), which considers the vegetation cover as a function of human actions (deforestation, forest fires, agriculture, and farming). Rain and air temperature data were obtained from the Conventional Weather Station of Januária-Minas Gerais. Fire foci data were calculated using the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer - MODIS MCD14DL product sensor (TERRA/AQUA). Specifically, this study focused on the degradation of the vegetation in the Pandeiros River EPA (environmental protection area) that has increased due to the variability of climatic conditions, forest fires, and agricultural activities. The dry season provided greater sensitivity for the evaluation of the vegetation degradation process of the Pandeiros River EPA. The negative effects observed from the variation of climatic conditions and anthropogenic actions on the vegetation dynamics of the Pandeiros River EPA demand greater attention from administrative bodies on strategies for the conservation, preservation, and management of natural resources of conservation areas.

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