
The aim of the study. Assessment of the phytomass stocks and decomposition rate of peat-forming plants’ residues in peat deposits of natural and post-pyrogenic peatlands at the initial stages of decomposition. Location and time of the study. The study was carried out in 2022 (May-September) at two oligotrophic bog sites: “Bakcharskoye” (field station “Vasyuganye”, IMCES SB RAS) and “Iksinskoye”, which are located in the north eastern spurs of the Great Vasyugan mire in the Bakcharsky and Shegarsky districts of the Tomsk region, Russia. Methods. The phytomass stocks were determined by the cutting method. The following fractions were separated: living phytomass (annual and perennial photosynthetic phytomass, i.e. green parts of grasses, shrubs leaves, mosses); perennial non-photosynthetic phytomass, i.e. shrubs stems, roots of grasses and shrubs; and dead phytomass (mortmass), i.e. litter, moss litter, standing dead phytomass. The decomposition rate of plant residues was determined by the method of litter bags placement in peat (Chamaedaphne calyculata, Sphagnum fuscum, Mixed sample consisting of 60% S. fuscum and 40% Ch. calyculata). In the initial and decomposed samples, the ash content was determined by the dry combustion method. The total carbon and nitrogen content, as well as the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition, were determined using a DELTA V Advantage isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Results. This short-term study conducted during the growing season in conditions of undisturbed (Natural Ryam) and post-pyrogenic (Gar) phytocenoses showed that due to a significant amount of mortmass (2402 g/m2) Natural Ryam had organic matter stock exceeding that in the Gar by 1.7 times. On average, 59% of organic matter loss from the total losses during the growing season occurred in the first month. In both Gar and Natural Ryam conditions, minimal losses of organic matter were characteristic for Sphagnum fuscum (3.1 and 3.5% respectively). For the remaining samples the Gar conditions were more favorable for the degradation at the initial stages of decomposition. The Mixed sample occupied an intermediate position between its individual components in terms of mass losses. Carbon losses correlated well with mass losses both over 1 month of degradation (r=0.87) and over 4 months (r=0.96). In contrast to carbon, nitrogen accumulated in the Mixed sample at the initial stages of degradation, both after 1 month and 4 months. Conclusions. With smaller phytomass stocks in areas of post-pyrogenic succession, more active decay at the initial stages of organic matter decomposition occurs exactly under these conditions. The impact of post-pyrogenic succession on the rate of organic matter decomposition of Chamaedaphne calyculata plant residues and the Mixed sample was demonstrated. The most intensive decomposition of litter occured during the first month of degradation. Additionally, in the conditions of a burnt bog, a more intense release of nitrogen from all plant residues and accumulation of ash elements in Sphagnum fuscum samples were observed. The mixing of litter components influenced both the rate and dynamics of decomposition. The carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition began to change during the initial stages of decomposition, leading to enrichment with heavier isotopes 15N and 13C. This research emphasizes the importance of studying the processes of plant litter decomposition at the initial stages and considering the plant residue composition when studying the processes of organic matter transformation.

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