
Co-firing biomass in conventional pulverised coal fired power stations offers a means to rapidly introduce renewable and CO2 neutral biomass fuels into the power generation market. Existing coalfired power stations are both much larger and more efficient than current designs of new biomass combustion systems, so feeding a few percent of biomass feed into an existing large coal fired station will give more biomass derived power than a new dedicated biomass station. Co-firing levels started at ∼2% biomass, but this has increased to ∼5–10% biomass, with higher levels of biomass co-firing being investigated, although supply of biomass becomes an issue with increasing co-firing levels. The lower levels of biomass co-firing (up to ∼5%) can be achieved with relatively minor modifications to existing plants, so avoiding the large capital costs and risks of building new biomass-only fired power systems. However higher levels of co-firing are more difficult to achieve, requiring dedicated biomass supply systems and burners. For existing coal-fired power stations, the co-firing of biomass causes some practical problems, e.g.: the control of co-firing two fuels; changes to bottom/fly ash chemistry; changes to deposition (fouling and slagging) within the boiler; reduced reliability of key high temperature components (e.g. heat exchangers) due to increased corrosion problems relative to those experienced with coal alone.This paper reports the results of assessments carried out to evaluate the potential operating conditions of heat exchangers in combustion systems with biomass (wood or straw) and coal cofiring, as well as laboratory corrosion tests that have been carried out to give an initial assessment of potential effects of biomass-co-firing.The corrosion tests have been carried out using the deposit recoat method in controlled atmosphere furnaces. A series of 1000 hour tests have been carried out at typical superheater and evaporator metal temperatures using simulated deposit compositions and gaseous environments (selected on the basis of plant experience and potential fuel compositions). Five materials were exposed in these tests: 1Cr steel, T22 steel, X20CrMoV121, TP347HFG and alloy 625. In order to produce statistically valid data on the actual metal loss from the materials, the performance of the materials in these tests was determined from dimensional metrology before and after exposure. For each material, these data have been used to determine the sensitivity of the corrosion damage to changes in the exposure conditions (e.g. deposit composition, gas composition) thereby producing initial models of the corrosion performance of the materials. The corrosion data and model outputs have been compared with data available from power plants operating on coal, straw or wood fuels.

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