
Coastlines are the interface between the open oceans and the terrestrial environments. Due to their unique habitat and resourcefulness, they provide ecosystem services of all types to the communities. They not only support the life under water but also provide breeding grounds to several bird species. The quality of coastlines and coastal waters is affected by a complex nexus of interrelated ecological, physical, chemical, and biological aspects and stressors. The conditions of coastlines are also an indicator of the changes in climatic patterns. In this century, we have evidenced various spatial and temporal changes occurring in coastal waters globally. The frequency of extreme extremes including Tsunamis and Cyclones increased. The glacial melting has resulted in sea level rise which has affected millions of people globally. Other challenges include intrusion of sea water into freshwater aquifers and land subsidence. Human activities have also contributed to degradation of coastal areas at large and have also contributed towards enhancing these challenges. The coastal areas and the marine resources of Pakistan are not only an integral part of natural capital but also a major contributor in national economy. The coastal cities are serving as industrial hubs, there are international seaports, diversity of habitats and rich fauna including sea creatures, dolphins, turtles, porpoises are the key distinguishing features. Unfortunately, rather than utilizing the full potential of this Blue Economy, we have evidenced degradation of coastal habitats in Pakistan. This calls for policy interventions and advocacy to ensure that the degradation of coastal areas could be stopped and mitigation measures are being adopted. This paper focuses on proposing measures to protect the coastline and coastal habitat of Pakistan from degradation meanwhile capitalizing them to achieve sustainable development. The study plan includes 1) Identification of causes of degradation of coast and coastal habitat of Pakistan, 2) Evaluation of the effects of degradation of coast and coastal habitat on socio-economic and strategic installation of Pakistan, 3) Determining the needs for protection and proposing mitigation measures for sustainable development and 4) Assessment of the future economic potential of the coast of Pakistan.

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