
The generation of mice lacking specific neurotrophins permits evaluation of the trophic requirements of particular neuronal populations throughout development. In the present study, we examined the developing vestibulocochlear system to determine the time course of neurotrophin dependence and to determine whether competition occurred among developing cochlear or vestibular neurons for available amounts of either brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) or neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5). Both cochlear and vestibular neurons were present in mice lacking NT-4/5. In contrast, vestibular neurons decreased in number beginning at mid-stages of inner ear development, in mice lacking BDNF. Early in development (E12.5-13), the size of the vestibular ganglion was normal in bdnf -/- mice. Decreased innervation to vestibular sensory epithelia was detected at E13.5-15, when progressive loss of all afferent innervation to the semicircular canals and reduced innervation to the utricle and saccule were observed. At E16.5-17, there was a reduction in the number of vestibular neurons in bdnf -/- mice. A further decrease in vestibular neurons was observed at P1 and P15. Compared to bdnf -/- mice, mice heterozygous for the BDNF null mutation (bdnf +/-) showed an intermediate decrease in the number of vestibular neurons from E16.5-P15. These data indicate a late developmental requirement of vestibular neurons for BDNF and suggest competition among these neurons for limited supplies of this factor.

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