
In this paper, we study deformations of complex structures on Lie algebras and its associated deformations of Dolbeault cohomology classes. A complete deformation of complex structures is constructed in a way similar to the Kuranishi family. The extension isomorphism is shown to be valid in this case. As an application, we prove that given a family of left-invariant deformations $$\{M_t\}_{t\in B}$$ of a compact complex manifold $$M=(\Gamma \setminus G, J)$$ where G is a Lie group, $$\Gamma$$ a sublattice and J a left-invariant complex structure, the set of all $$t\in B$$ such that the Dolbeault cohomology on $$M_t$$ may be computed by left-invariant tensor fields is an analytic open subset of B.

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