
Abstract Results of scaled sandbox models, containing three viscous layers located at different geographic and stratigraphic levels simulating three evaporitic units in the South Pyrenean Triangle Zone, and interpreted field data are presented here to explain structural variation and kinematics in shortened areas containing multiple weak horizons acting as detachments. In the Southern Pyrenean Triangle Zone, the Beuda, Cardona and Barbastro thrust fronts have similar geometric features to those developed in the models, suggesting that they could have formed and evolved in a similar way. These deformation fronts are not always perpendicular to the regional shortening direction. Instead, their direction is governed by the initial pinch-out of the viscous horizonts. Model results show that triangle zones form when: (1) deformation is transferred to weak horizons located at higher stratigraphic levels, and (2) the deformation front reaches the pinch-out of the weak horizons. Model results also show that the rheology of the detachment horizonts controls the geometry of the deformation front. Weak detachments (Cardona Formation, and pure silicone in the models) promote folding and back-vergent structures, and thus formation of triangle zones at the deformation front, irrespective of the location of the thrust front relative to the pinch-out of the viscous detachment. However, over strong (more viscous) detachments (Barbastro and Beuda formations, and impure silicone in the models), folds that eventually evolve to thrusts are dominant. In such cases, backthrusts form only at the pinch-out of the detachment layer. In cases where no viscous detachment is present, no backthrusts form, and therefore the thrust front does not develop a triangle zone geometry. Instead, a foreland-vergent piggyback sequence of thrusts forms. Model results show that the stratigraphic level of a detachment governs size, geometry and spacing of the imbricates formed above it.

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