
This work is devoted to the study of deformations of hyperbolic cone structures under the assumption that the length of the singularity remains uniformly bounded over the deformation. Let.Mi; pi/ be a sequence of pointed hyperbolic cone manifolds with cone angles of at most 2 and topological type .M;6/, where M is a closed, orientable and irreducible 3-manifold and6 an embedded link in M. Assuming that the length of the singularity remains uniformly bounded, we prove that either the sequence Mi collapses and M is Seifert fibered or a Sol manifold, or the sequence Mi does not collapse and, in this case, a subsequence of.Mi; pi/ converges to a complete three dimensional Alexandrov space endowed with a hyperbolic metric of finite volume on the complement of a finite union of quasigeodesics. We apply this result to a question proposed by Thurston and to provide universal constants for hyperbolic cone structures when6 is a small link in M.

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