
Motivated by recent advances in the real-time imaging of fluorescent flagellar filaments in living bacteria [Turner, Ryu, and Berg, J. Bacteriol. 82, 2793 (2000)], we compute the deformation of a helical elastic filament due to flow and external magnetic or high-frequency electric fields. Two cases of deformation due to hydrodynamic drag are considered: the compression of a filament rotated by a stationary motor and the extension of a stationary filament due to flow along the helical axis. We use Kirchhoff rod theory for the filament, and work to linear order in the deflection. Hydrodynamic forces are described first by resistive-force theory, and then for comparison by the more accurate slender-body theory. For helices with a short pitch, the deflection in axial flow predicted by slender-body theory is significantly smaller than that computed with resistive-force theory. Therefore, our estimate of the bending stiffness of a flagellar filament is smaller than that of previous workers. In our calculation of the deformation of a polarizable helix in an external field, we show that the problem is equivalent to the classical case of a helix deformed by forces applied only at the ends.

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