
In order to prepare soil for sowing of agricultural crops it is necessary to have a number of engineering structures that ensure its qualitative treatment and protection from erosion. Modern equipment do not fully meet the whole complex of specified requirements. Application of tillage machinery being used for main soil cultivation is directed on suppression (destruction) of natural vegetation which is considered as the strongest competitor to cultivated plants. From the other side, vegetation on the Earth’s surface plays an important role for reliable protection of soil from erosion. Destruction of vegetation throughout the whole period of crop tending leads to the fact that the remaining cultivated plants are not able to protect soil from erosion by such natural aggressive factors as rain storms and strong winds. As a consequence, processes of soil structure destruction and losses of entire soil strata and its fertility occur in the geographical (landscape) envelope. Thus, equipment for primary and secondary soil tillage exerts double impact: from one side, killing of weeds takes place, and on the other hand, there is destruction (erosion) of soil structure and profiles of its geographical envelope. The soil, in the understanding of the earth, is the perfect place that gives life to plants and organisms, has a fertility. For the last 50 years analytical scope of physical processes occurring in the soil has been extended, physical methods for investigation of soil properties and application of technical equipment for assessment of physical-mechanical soil characteristics have got widespread use. However, there is no summative investigation on soil physics which includes and reveals thermodynamics, electrophysics and nuclear physics of soils. At the same time an integrated approach for studying such complicated object makes it possible to understand important nature of some processes occurring in the soil and to develop practical measures for fertility improvement and erosion reduction. The paper considers problems pertaining to deformation mechanism while forming soil structure and its compression under influence of external loadings: magnetic, electric, physico-chemical, gravitational and thermal fields and working organs of tillage tools.


  • Application of tillage machinery being used for main soil cultivation is directed on suppression of natural vegetation which is considered as the strongest competitor to cultivated plants

  • For the last 50 years analytical scope of physical processes occurring in the soil has been extended, physical methods for investigation of soil properties and application of technical equipment for assessment of physical-mechanical soil characteristics have got widespread use

  • There is no summative investigation on soil physics which includes and reveals thermodynamics, electrophysics and nuclear physics of soils

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Деформационный механизм уплотнения структурного тела

Для подготовки почвы к посеву сельскохозяйственных культур необходим ряд инженерных конструкций, обеспечивающих качественную ее обработку и защиту от эрозии. Применение почвообрабатывающей техники для основной обработки почвы направлено на подавление (уничтожение) природной растительности, которая является сильнейшим конкурентом культурным растениям. С другой стороны, растительность на поверхности земли играет роль надежной защиты почвы от эрозии. Как следствие – в географической (ландшафтной) оболочке происходят процессы разрушения структуры и потеря целых пластов почвы и ее плодородия. Техника для основной и дополнительной обработки почвы оказывает двойственное влияние: с одной стороны, производится уничтожение сорняков, с другой – происходит разрушение (эрозия) структуры почвы, профилей ее географической оболочки. Вместе с тем комплексный подход к изучению такого сложного объекта позволяет понять важнейшую природу ряда процессов, протекающих в почве, и разработать практические мероприятия для повышения ее плодородия и уменьшения эрозии.

Deformation Mechanism of Structural Body Compression
Твердые золи
Минералогический и механический составы почв
Vb Vc
Тогда kT C
Сn D
Биовещество Газ Вода Твердое вещество
Объемный вес сухой почвы
Механизм уплотнения структурных агрегатов почвы
Силовое контактное взаимодействие структурных тел
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