
Crowd counting is the basic task of crowd analysis and it is of great significance in the field of public safety. Therefore, it receives more and more attention recently. The common idea is to combine the crowd counting task with convolutional neural networks to predict the corresponding density map, which is generated by filtering the dot labels with specific Gaussian kernels. Although the counting performance is promoted by the newly proposed networks, they all suffer one conjunct problem, which is due to the perspective effect, there is significant scale contrast among targets in different positions within one scene, but the existing density maps can not represent this scale change well. To address the prediction difficulties caused by target scale variation, we propose a scale-sensitive crowd density map estimation framework, which focuses on dealing with target scale change from density map generation, network design, and model training stage. It consists of the Adaptive Density Map (ADM), Deformable Density Map Decoder (DDMD), and Auxiliary Branch. To be specific, the Gaussian kernel size variates adaptively based on target size to generate ADM that contains scale information for each specific target. DDMD introduces the deformable convolution to fit the Gaussian kernel variation and boosts the model's scale sensitivity. The Auxiliary Branch guides the learning of deformable convolution offsets during the training phase. Finally, we construct experiments on different large-scale datasets. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed ADM and DDMD. Furthermore, the visualization demonstrates that deformable convolution learns the target scale variation.

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