
It is known that the deflection of massive body around a gravitating body (say, black hole or wormhole) can be used as a test of gravity, like deflection of light (bending of light i.e. gravitational lensing). In this study, we have used the Jacobi metric, which can be obtained from the usual spacetime metric, in order to study the angle of deflection of a massive body around wormholes in Einstein–Kalb–Ramond spacetime, considering two different models of wormholes corresponding to two different expressions of shape and redshift functions. We have used two approaches to our calculation of the angle of deflection, first according to the method proposed by Rindler and Ishak (2007); and second by employing the Gauss–Bonnet theorem. We have also compared the deflection angle obtained using the two approaches for the two wormhole models graphically. For the first model of the wormhole, we observed similar results for greater values of the impact parameter, whereas for the second model of the wormhole, the two approaches produced nearly identical results for smaller values of the impact parameter and larger values of velocity of the massive body.

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