
Data, that were received during measurement of gap between vessel’s shell and restorative ring of vessel’s connecting pipe is represented. Misfit between real connecting pipe’s geometrical characteristics and objectives of quality standards, for instance GOST R 52630. Simulation of deflected mode is done to validate the currency of increasing connecting pipe’s workmanship. The influence of gap’s dimension between vessel’s shell and restorative ring on deflected mode was analyzed. The simulation was done with using of finite-element method in program ANSYS. Next data and results of simulation are shown and analyzed in the article: curve of stresses along the vesel’s generating line as a function of distance to vessel’s connecting pipe, curve of maximum stresses in vessel’s connecting pipe as a function of gap’s dimension between vessel’s shell and restorative ring and stresses field on vessel’s connecting pipe surface. Analysis of curves showed irregularity of stresses field on vessel’s connecting pipe surface and that the maximum level of stresses is on the inner surface of connecting pipe in the area of vessel and pipe joint. This fact is not influenced by the presence of restorative ring. Imperfection of vessel’s shell connecting pipe design procedure is shown. The main reason of design procedure’s imperfection by author’s opinion is non-considering of gap between vessel’s shell and restorative ring of vessel’s connecting pipe.

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