
Especially in the last 15 years Palliative Care and Palliative Medicine in Germany have increasingly attracted professional and public attention and made remarkable progress. One of the characteristics of Palliative Care in Germany is the differentiation of palliative care from hospice care. Under different viewpoints structure, target groups and aims of Palliative Care have been under discussion in the last 30 years, which made an impact on different forms in the provision of care. Palliative therapy should be distinguished from supportive care and palliative medicine. The revised WHO-definition of Palliative Care broadened the aspects of care in a comprehensive and more holistic understanding of the social, emotional and spiritual needs of patients and their families, including bereavement; and, finally, interdisciplinary and team working issues. It is important to differentiate the palliative care approach from general and specialized palliative care provision for patients with incurable progressive illness and in old age. In Germany 10-12% of all dying patients per year are in need of a specialized palliative care service. The growth in the group of the "very old" will be an important challenge for palliative care in the near future.

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