
Building the definition of the class of an information object in construction based on automated tools is a separate complex task. The work generalizes the concept of a task in terms of information environments for construction. A certain approach to the presentation of such concepts as the problem of construction, the problem of construction, ontology of construction, idea, concept, classification of problems, current directions, objects included in the formulation of the problem, taking into account the specifics of the problems solved within the framework of the developed information technologies in construction problems. In the work, the means and methods of information theory are determined and investigated, in fact, the tasks of construction, design, modeling, monitoring and their totality within the framework of the problems of the construction industry. The relevance of the task from a theoretical point of view is determined by the expansion of the ontology of construction as a science; from an applied point of view, it is determined by ensuring the possibility of accurate formalization of regulatory information and documentation in construction. The main difference between the study, the results of which are presented in this work, is cognitive-semantic analysis based on category theory, mathematical logic and universal algebra, algebra of sets, algebra of tuples and relational algebra, namely: the construction of knowledge representation in open languages in the construction of information relations sources – tasks – classes of information objects.

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