
The objective of the study was to define the norm of new 3-dimensional cephalometric analysis of maxillomandibular sagittal relationship with the patient in Natural Head Position. A cross-sectional study was performed using 700 consecutives cone beam computed tomography datasets of pre-orthodontic patients received for three-dimensional craniofacial analysis. To stablish the clinical norm of the new sagittal reference (linear distance A-B), the correlation with the gold standard (ANB angle) was estimated with the Pearson's correlation coefficient. Subsequently, the prognostic values of the linear distance A-B was calculated to define the clinical norm. The sample was composed by 463 women (66.1%) and 237 men (33.9%). The mean age was 30 ± 14,5 years old (range 6-71y old). According to the skeletal class classification (ANB), 46.1% (323) were class I, 42% (294) class II, and 11.9% (83) class III. The regression model found that each additional grade of the ANB angle imply a mean increase of 1.24mm of the distance A-B ( P <0.001). The normative value of the linear distance A-B was obtained through the prognostic values of the distance for the limits of the ANB norm 0 to 4. These values were on the range of 0.52 to 5.48mm. Therefore, the clinical norm for cephalometric maxillomandibular sagittal relationship using linear distance from point A-B is: 3±2.48mm. With this new approach, we can define the skeletal sagittal relationship of the patient in natural head position overcoming the limitations of using intracranial or occlusal plane references improving the diagnosis and orthognathic surgical planning process.

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