
This article is devoted to the study of sources of competitive advantages of companies. The basic theory of economic development and methods of enterprise management—the concept of key competencies and preconditions of its development is investigated. On the basis of systematization of scientific experience the conceptual apparatus is specified. Practices of successful companies—leaders of branches on formation of basic, key competencies in general business are interpreted in context of current development. It is determined that the dominant position of the company in the market is determined not by specific products, but by the main competencies behind them, unique opportunities in the field of technologies, processes, knowledge and the ability to integrate and coordinate different groups and business units. It is proved that the result of the identification of key competencies is the creation of “basic products” that are not sold directly to end users, but are used to create more end products for consumers. It is proved that in addition to the formed key competencies of the firm requires a development of a certain structure of the organization, functional systems, technologies of leadership, and systems of resource support. Discussion of issues of allocation and development of key competencies, assessment of efficiency of their use by companies predetermine the purpose of the research. The main goal to study the practice of realization of the concept in conditions of power competition among producers, including the global level. The article offers a list of actions, the implementation which allows to identify key competencies; as well as to form them in companies with diversified product portfolio. The factors contributing the reduction of key competencies in the business system are also identified. The directions of research for the future have been formed.

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