
The article deals with scientific and theoretical understanding and the provision of the definition of the category "actors of administrative and legal support of information security in the customs area". The author has disclosed and analyzed the provisions of the administrative and legal doctrine of the above questio, besides, the problematic issues of the definition of "subjects of administrative and legal support of information security in the customs sphere" are identified, andthe necessity of distinguishing this concept from other related concepts and categories is defined. Disclosing issues of actors of administrative and legal support of information security in the cus-toms sphere, it is necessary to avoid substitution of concepts and clearly understand the difference between the concepts of "institutional mechanism of administrative and legal support of information security in customs" and "state mechanism of administrative and legal support of information security in the customs sphere "from the concept of" subjects of administrative and legal support of information security in the customs sphere ". After all, the concept that is the subject of our study, of all the above, has the most comprehensive and broad scope and meaning. That is why, disclosing a set of subjects of administrative and legal support of information security in the customs sphere, it is advisable to apply a broad approach to understanding this category, given that among such subjects must be considered non-state subjects. objects - local governments, public organizations, etc. Because without their activities such a list will not be complete, and the mechanism of administrative and legal support of information security in the customs sphere will not be such that covers all possible spheres of public life and methods of information security. The current general information and administrative legislation, as well as special legislation gov-erning the procedure of customs, is considered in order to more clearly disclose the features and legal status of the actors of administrative and legal support of information security in the customs area. Each of these entities plays an appropriate role and occupies the necessary place in the system of national security of Ukraine, information security of Ukraine in general and information security in the customs area in particular. This role can be described as the implementation of general control over information security in the customs area, as well as taking measures to respond to violations of information legislation and the emergence of threats to information in the customs area within the powers defined by law. At the same time, the administrative and legal provision of information security is carried out directly by the customs authorities.

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