
Abstract Background At the end of 2018 across the globe there are ∼37.9 million people with HIV/AIDS also thanks to the use of HAART which led to an increase in life expectancy. The Italy Immunization Plan 2017-19 recommend vaccines to these patients but a protocol still isn't present. Moreover, despite the availability of effective vaccines, coverage remained very low for many reasons including problems with privacy. The objectives of this study were a) the appliance of a shared clinical pathway between the “Immunization Center of Hospital Hygiene Operating Unit” and the “HIV/AIDS Disease Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Infectious Diseases Operating Unit” b) the increase in vaccination coverage and the evaluation of side effects. Methods A prospective study was conducted from Oct 2019 to Feb 2020 at the G. Martino University Hospital of Messina. In particular, of the 138 patients followed by the Infectious Diseases OU, after evaluation of their immune status, 62% were enrolled in this study. Following the acquisition of informed consent, we collected socio-anagraphical data and we started the free administration of vaccines by providing an hoc calendar in the Immunization Center. Statistical analysis was performed with R software. Results The sample was represented by 86 patients (74% males and 26% females, 21% foreigners and 79% Italian, mean age=40±13.6 SD). We didn't observe drop out and no differences were observed for local/systemic AEs generally reported. We obtained an increase of vaccination coverage with a total of 74 doses administered for flu (+164%) and 240 for other vaccines (+172%). In particular, we immunized a total of 74% of patients for HPV (2% in 2018), 42% for HAV (28% in 2018), 37% for HBV (28% in 2018), 58% for pneumococcal (21% in 2018), 54% for meningococcal ACWY and B (0% in 2018). Conclusions The undertook clinical pathway showed the relevance of specific management of these patients and the need to increase the vaccination offer. Key messages The immunization in people living with HIV is priority to reduce the risk of infectious disease. It’s important to implement a shared clinical pathway to increase vaccination rates of these patients. The application of the protocol had an high impact in patients' adhesion to vaccination also thanks to the chance of accessing to the service in a comfortable setting and suitable to protect privacy.

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