
ABSTRACT Inclusive education has brought about a paradigm shift to the traditional roles of an educator and now require educators to accept multifaceted responsibilities to support diverse individualised needs. Even now, Malaysian mainstream and special needs educators continually report that they need better understandings and knowledge to be proficient in supporting inclusive transitions. This study holds that outlining the distinct roles and responsibilities of the educators throughout the inclusive transition process is critical towards increasing their level of knowledge, competencies, and readiness towards inclusion. This study focuses on utilising the Fuzzy Delphi method to reach a consensus on the roles and responsibilities of mainstream and special needs educators that the experts believe are essential towards supporting the first stage of inclusive transition – the Pre-Transition Stage. The results identify a clearer picture of both educators’ responsibilities within the planning and preparation role, classroom environment role, instructions role, and professional duties role that are key for educators in the first stage of transition. It offers a versatile judgement, clearer picture, and better structured insight that can help facilitate enhanced knowledge, competencies, better readiness, and clearer role alignments.

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