
Much attention has been, and continues to be, given to technology selection in the context of planning, procuring and implementing a new transit system. The recommended technology family sometimes evokes strong reaction, both positive and negative. This strong reaction can particularly be the case when the choices include Automated People Mover (APM) and Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) systems. Both APM and PRT systems are driverless transit systems within the larger Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) family. Neither is the right answer for every transit need. Both have a place in sound transit planning. Each one, properly applied, can fit some transit needs better than any other transit alternative. This paper provides valuable information for a transit authority or private sector owner who is considering the implementation of a transit system. The planning process should consider numerous technology families, including fully automated transit systems (specifically driverless rapid transit, AGT, and PRT). The goal of this paper is to bring clarity to the issue of application by defining each of these three transit systems based on typical transit planning characteristics and providing contemporary references and examples that the reader can investigate further. It is hoped that the thoughts shared here will complement and reinforce a rigorous and objective planning process that seeks to satisfy transportation needs in the most beneficial manner to the owners and users of such systems.

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