
Abstract : purpose of this article is to examine the origins of the American and provide some insight on what it should mean to the officer in today's Army. Army defines the warrior spirit in The Professional Development of Officers Study. Many young officers read this document and orient almost exclusively on the images of superb physical readiness, outstanding tactical and technical competence, and extraordinary courage. These are the basic attributes that allow the warrior to lead by example from the front. Although these critical attributes are an absolutely essential foundation, they alone do not compose the total makeup of the American warrior leader. complete of the American warrior leader must be fleshed out with deeper but less glamorous qualities. Although not as colorful, these qualities distinguish the unique heritage of American arms. first is a sincere recognition of the privilege of special trust and confidence accorded those whose responsibility is to defend our democracy. second less glamorous but no less vital component of the warrior spirit is readiness. Mental readiness goes beyond simple mental toughness by insisting on a mastery of doctrine combined with the ability to think, analyze, and develop a vision for success. warrior leader must also possess the and moral character to always do what is right for the Army and the nation. This may sometimes mean taking unpopular or controversial stands that result in damage to one's own career. Some of the very best careers are short but outstanding -- marked by integrity and honor and shortened by casualty or a stand of conscience. final element is inspiring leadership. Soldiers desire to follow the warrior leader because they are confident of his abilities and trusting in his judgment. essence of this style of leadership is found in mutual trust and respect between leader and follower.

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