
Src homology 2 (SH2) domains mediate protein–protein interactions by recognizing short phosphotyrosyl (pY) peptide motifs in their partner proteins. Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) catalyze the dephosphorylation of pY proteins, counteracting the protein tyrosine kinases. Both types of proteins exhibit primary sequence specificity, which plays at least a partial role in dictating their physiological interacting partners or substrates. A combinatorial peptide library method has been developed to systematically assess the sequence specificity of SH2 domains and PTPs. A “one-bead-one-compound” pY peptide library is synthesized on 90-μm TentaGel beads and screened against an SH2 domain or PTP of interest for binding or catalysis. The beads that carry the tightest binding sequences against the SH2 domain or the most efficient substrates of the PTP are selected by an enzyme-linked assay and individually sequenced by a partial Edman degradation/mass spectrometry technique. The combinatorial method has been applied to determine the sequence specificity of 8 SH2 domains from Src and Csk kinases, adaptor protein Grb2, and phosphatases SHP-1, SHP-2, and SHIP1 and a prototypical PTP, PTP1B.

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