
Emerging adulthood presents unique challenges for type 1 diabetes (T1D) management. Barriers to achieving optimal diabetes outcomes have been studied but less is known about how emerging adults overcome these challenges. Characterizing emerging adults' protective factors may help guide T1D care during this developmental period. We anticipated identifying social, cognitive, and behavioral protective factors and were open to additional themes. We analyzed transcripts from semi-structured qualitative interviews with 62 emerging adults (age 18-24 years) with T1D using hybrid thematic analysis. Interviews queried about participants' perspectives on diabetes management challenges, how they overcome challenges, and diabetes resilience. We categorized responses into three types of protective factors: (a) Social: Interpersonal strategies such as obtaining tangible support (especially from parents) and emotional support from friends, medical professionals, and community leaders. (b) Cognitive: Believing one can live a "normal" life with T1D, benefit-finding, and viewing diabetes management as an important part of life. (c) Behavioral: Proactively planning for diabetes challenges, maintaining a consistent routine while allowing for flexibility, balancing diabetes and non-diabetes activities, and using diabetes-specific and general technologies to support self-management. The adaptive approaches emerging adults with T1D use to handle the challenges of diabetes include seeking interpersonal support, managing their thoughts about T1D, and taking specific actions to prevent or resolve challenges. Helping emerging adults identify and strengthen their protective factors has potential to affect clinical outcomes. Strengths-based assessment and clinical attention to protective factors may prepare adolescents to successfully manage the challenges of transition to adult care.

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