
Contents: Introduction Part I The Theory of Need: Welfare and the value of liberty, Raymond Plant The priority of needs, Robert E. Goodin A theory of human need, Len Doyal and Ian Gough A theory of human need, Kate Soper Need the idea won't do - but we still need it, A.J. Culyer A taxonomy of social need, Jonathan Bradshaw. Part II The Needs of Children: A theory of human motivation, A.H. Maslow What do children need from parents?, Dora Black Pathways from childhood to adult life, Michael Rutter An ecological approach to social work with children and families, Gordon Jack. Part III Assessing the Needs of Individual Children: The strengths and difficulties questionnaire: a research note, Robert Goodman Classification of child and adolescent psychopathology, Dennis P. Cantwell Reflections on the assessment of outcomes in child care, Roy Parker Single case evaluation methods: review and prospects, Brian Sheldon. Part IV Measuring the Needs of Child Populations: Why do levels of human welfare vary across nations?, Ian Gough and Theo Thomas Auditing social needs, Janie Percy-Smith Mapping the needs of children in need, Michael Preston-Shoot and Veronica Wigley The background of children who enter local authority care, Andrew Bebbington and John Miles Child poverty and needs based budget allocation, D. Gordon and F. Loughran Mapping the data needed to plan integrated services: a case study of children's' services in one locality, Nick Axford, Jill Madge, Louise Morpeth and Jo Pring. Part V Towards Meeting Children's Needs: Needs, numbers, resources: informed planning for looked after children, Karin Janzon and Ruth Sinclair A developmental and clinical model for the prevention of conduct orders: the FAST Track Program, Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group Prevention and early intervention with children in need: definitions, principles and examples of good practice, Michael Little Measuring outcomes in the 'new' children's services, Nick Axford

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