
In the setting of the unbounded derived category D(R) of a ring R of weak global dimension at most one we consider t-structures with a definable coaisle. The t-structures among these which are stable (that is, the t-structures which consist of a pair of triangulated subcategories) are precisely the ones associated to a smashing localization of the derived category. In this way, our present results generalize those of [8] to the non-stable case. As in the stable case [8], we confine for the most part to the commutative setting, and give a full classification of definable coaisles in the local case, that is, over valuation domains. It turns out that, unlike in the stable case of smashing subcategories, the definable coaisles do not always arise from homological ring epimorphisms. We also consider a non-stable version of the Telescope Conjecture for t-structures and give a ring-theoretic characterization of the commutative rings of weak global dimension at most one for which it is satisfied.

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