
Mammalian auditory hair cells are not spontaneously replaced. Their number and coordinated polarization are fairly well-maintained and both these factors might be essential for the cochlear amplifier. Cell cycle regulation has critical roles in regulating appropriate cell size and cell number. However, little is known about the physiological roles of the Hippo pathway, which is one of the most important signaling cascades that regulates cell growth, differentiation, and regenerative capacity in the cochlear sensory epithelium. Herein, we investigated the in vivo role of the large tumor suppressor 1 (LATS1), an essential kinase in the Hippo/yes-associated protein pathway, in the cochlea using the LATS1 knockout mice. LATS1 was expressed in hair cells and supporting cells. It was strongly expressed on the surface of the cuticular plate of the organ of Corti. We found that LATS1 knockout caused congenital hearing loss due to the irregular orientation and slightly reduced number of hair cells, whereas the number of supporting cells remained unchanged. On the surface of the hair cells, the kinocilium and stereocilia were dispersed during and after morphogenesis. However, the expression of the receptor-independent polarity regulators, such as Par3 or Gαi, was not affected. We concluded that LATS1 has an indispensable role in the maturation of mammalian auditory hair cells, but not in the development of the supporting cells, and thus, has a role in the hearing acquisition.

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