
President Jokowi's World Maritime Axis Policy places the Pillars of Maritime Defense to support the Vision of the World Maritime Axis to be an indispensable foundation for Indonesia, faced with the dynamics of global, regional and national stratgis environmental development to also have an impact on the threats faced. This study will analyze defense strategy policies faced with current APTS conditions, analyze how the current conditions and formulate the best defense strategy. The research used is descriptive qualitative febomenology. The theory used is the theory of implementation of defense policy Lukman Yudho Prakoso who said that the implementation of the policy can be achieved well influenced by the factors Integrative, Interactive, Transparanc, Control, Accountable (IITCA). The results showed that the implementation of APTS usage is currently very limited due to sedimentation that affects the width of the flow and depth. Another inhibitory factor is the existence of wild buildings along the plot, in addition to the existence of Suramadu Bridge is also a barrier to large ships through the groove. APTS is not a priority for normalization for authorized entities because it considers economic factors. APTS is vital for the existence of Pangkalan Armada RI 2 Surabaya, the largest force of the Navy is at the base, with the condition of The West Shipping Flow surabaya (APBS) is currently very busy so it is prone to obstacles in and out of the navy ship. APTS current condition can only be passed by small ships, a maximum of 2,000 tons. The conclusion of the study in this study that the implementation of defense strategies optimally is associated with the existence of APTS is not ideal. So strtaegi formulated is the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia to issue policy discretion to prioritize the normalization of APTS by using existing national resources.

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