
This study aims to investigate singularized defective hadiths as established by Al-Hafiz Abu Naim in his book Al-Hilya. The study comes in an introduction two sections, and a conclusion. The introduction, covered three aspects: 'illah (defect) definition, tafarrud (singularity) definition, and Abu Naim and his book Hilyat al-Awliy brief account. Section one discussed Abu Naim's methodology in singularizing the sanad (chain of narrators). Section two dealt with matn (content) singularization. The study results showed that Al-Hafiz Abu Naim was a prominent scholar, prolific authority and an imam whose knowledge and books were sought for the narration and hearing of his hadiths. His book Hilyat al-Awliya focused on many hadiths singularity. Most of what Al-Hafiz Abu Nu'aim attributed to narrator singularity was authentic, although some discrepancies were found in a few hadiths, revealing errors in the singularity transmission. It was concluded that Al-Hafiz Abu Naim’s Book Hilyat al-Awliya was an important source with reference to hadith singularity, not mentioned by other scholars, contributing to our understanding of hadith science.

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