
New insight into the defect chemistry of the tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) Ba(0.5-x)TaO(3-x) is established here, which is shown to adapt to a continuous and extensive range of both cationic and anionic defect stoichiometries. The highly nonstoichiometric TTB Ba(0.5-x)TaO(3-x) (x = 0.25-0.325) compositions are stabilized via the interpolation of Ba(2+) cations and (TaO)(3+) groups into pentagonal tunnels, forming distinct Ba chains and alternate Ta-O rows in the pentagonal tunnels along the c axis. The slightly nonstoichiometric Ba(0.5-x)TaO(3-x) (x = 0-0.1) compositions incorporate framework oxygen and tunnel cation deficiencies in the TTB structure. These two mechanisms result in phase separation within the 0.1< x < 0.25 nonstoichiometric range, resulting in two closely related (TaO)(3+)-containing and (TaO)(3+)-free TTB phases. The highly nonstoichiometric (TaO)(3+)-containing phase exhibits Ba(2+) cationic migration. The incorporation of (TaO)(3+) units into the pentagonal tunnel and the local relaxation of the octahedral framework around the (TaO)(3+) units are revealed by diffraction data analysis and are shown to affect the transport and polarization properties of these compositions.

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