
In the present work specimens of mono-crystalline silicon carbide (4H polytype) were irradiated to three successively increasing ion fluences ranging from 7.2×1014 to 6.0×1016ions/cm2 (corresponding to the peak displacement damage of 1, 4 and 13dpa) with Ne and Xe ions respectively with the energy of 2.3MeV/amu. The irradiated specimens were subsequently annealed at temperatures of 1173 and 1273K. Defect structure was investigated with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using a cross-sectional specimen preparation technique.The typical microstructures of the annealed specimens irradiated with Ne or Xe ions to high fluences are characterized by small gas bubbles in high concentration in the peak damage region and black dots and dislocation loops (located in the basal plane) in a shallower and broader depth region. Larger dislocation loops were observed in the Xe-ion irradiated specimen than in the Ne-ion irradiated specimen at the same peak damage level. The enhanced formation of dislocation loops in the case of Xe-ion irradiation is understandable by assuming stronger inclination of heavier inert-gas atoms to occupy substitute site in the peak damage region.

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