
Dhritrashtra desires to know about the battlefield of Kurushetra. Dhritrashtra is inquisitive in relation to the combat zone. He denotes his sons as Kauravas and his brother’s son as Pandavas. He enquires Sanjay, “What my sons Kauravas and my brother’s sons Pandavas are doing in the war arena. He is concerned about his sons and calls them “Mine”. He is not worried about his brother’s sons and calls them “Others”. The way Dhritrashtra’s is characterized, it represents one thing that is his psychology, it’s critically analyzed his personality by his words. When he speaks something about war frontline his emphasis is on the words, “My sons”. When a person defines himself as “Me” and “Myself” and describes the others as “You” and “Yourselves”. Here the quarrel begins. Duryodhan is Dhritrastra’s son, whatsoever is the nature of Dhritrashtra, and broadly the son also has the same behavior. He said, “What my lads and Pandava’s lads are doing in the war - front”, from now, excess of love and affection towards his sons is revealed. He cogitates that, “Either, I ought to reign the country, or my sons might sovereign the nation, and no one else should be the supreme ruler. I would survive and my sons should subsist. My all possessions are supposed to stay secured and others should be empty handed. This is the language of self -centeredness. Dhritrastra had the mean mentality. Great writers have printed their writings, about those who notify these clothes are mine, these houses are mine, these jewels are mine, these are my eatables, these are my resting places, those whom speak everything is mine, the persons whom emphasize themselves by the words, “Me” and “Mine”, the evil deaths are sure for those persons, they will die badly. A writer has very beautifully depicted in a few lines, the way it is written that has been told. This is not the sayings of a saint. It’s just like a meaningful sequence, some lines have been written in verses. Let’s visualize;

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