
It is known that ontology reasoning mechanism can not be directly applied to default reasoning. To solve this problem, all the characteristics of default reasoning, incomplete ontology and semantic web ontology inheritance mechanism should be dealt with simultaneously, so the method about default inheritance mechanism enhanced semantic web incomplete ontology reasoning is proposed. Firstly, default reasoning and inheritance mechanism are introduced into semantic web ontology to construct the weaken inheritance relation suitable for ontology reasoning. Secondly, to verify the effectiveness of weakened inheritance relation and to make the ontology reasoning non-monotonic and closer to the human brain reasoning, based on the characteristics of default, the concept of incomplete ontology and its expression are proposed. Finally, to provide an intelligent method for dealing with the missing information in ontology, the reasoning mechanism of incomplete ontology and its reasoning system that supports default reasoning are designed and implemented. The experimental result reveals that the default inheritance mechanism also called as weakened (or incomplete) ontology inheritance mechanism is feasible for semantic web ontology reasoning.

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